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May 12th, 2008 by Stinkhead

So we visited the Diamond Select Toys‘ offices last week to test out the Flux Capacitor replica coming out later this month. We strapped it to the Peg Perego, and sent my son on a whirl wind trip.

I shot and edited the video, our good friend R-Dogg at added the digital effects (explosions, fire trails, lightning, etc), and I used the dinosaurs from our playmobil dinosaur reviews for the prehistoric scenes.

We were only able to borrow this Flux Capacitor sample, but it is going on sale at right now.

Check out our reviews of other Back to the Future toys

There is a gallery of still photos of this Flux Capacitor as well.

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Posted in article, baby, crafts, cringe, DIY, gadgets, how to, kids, playmobil, podcast, review, toys, video | 3 Comments »

3 Responses

  1. Lisa's comrades Says:

    Which dinosaur picked up the pacifier?

    Lisa Comrades

  2. carol t. Says:

    I don’t get the end,why does the baby smell like bacon?I loved the video,it’s great!!!

  3. Doc Braun :) Says:

    Brilliant work guys!

    Just hope the baby didn’t leave any skid marks behind after the fire trails!

    Keep up the good work,

    Doc Braun >>>Back to the lab

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