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May 20th, 2011 by Stinkhead

I made a poo sandwich!
We had an absolute blast playing with the Dinosaur Train Dino Poop from Uncle Milton. Click below for more!

If you’re not familiar, the show Dinosaur Train is produced by the brains at Jim Henson Company. CGI Dinos have fun riding on a time traveling train learning about other dinosaurs. At the end of the show, a real paleontologist shows up and gives facts about the dinos, and how scientists learn more about dinos.

Uncle Milton embraced that spirit of fun and learning with their line of dino poop. The play-doh like compound is soft and maleable. Burried within the “poop” are pieces of plastic remains. My three year old could figure out if that poop came from an omnivore (had leaves and bones) or a carnivore (two complete fish skeletons). After we talked about the types of dinos, we had fun making imprints in the poop with the skeletons and leaves. I also showed my son different animals’ scat… like bunny, dog, and cow. That was a conversation that made my wife leave the room.

We had a lot of fun with the dino poop and my son has played with it several times now, so it’s not just a one-time fun activity. Look for these at Toys R Us, Target, etc. and check out the show Dinosaur Train on PBS Kids, and watch it with your kids sometime. Dinosaur Train. (official site)

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