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June 29th, 2008 by Stinkhead

Precious Snowflake shirt
Precious Snowflake

The trend of over-rewarding our collective children: being critical of their criticism, and homogenizing all acomplishments, big and small, essentially protecting the “losers” so we don’t hurt their self esteem, has finally generated a back-lash!

For me it started back when my teacher wife was told that she wasn’t to use red marking pens when grading her students’ work… for it might hurt their self esteem, so she is to use Purple or other colors. Give me a got-damn break… but little did I know that was merely the tip of the ice burg… here are two examples directly from the Times article, I’m about to point you towards….

A recent production of Snow White at a primary school in Japan featured 25 Snow Whites, no dwarfs and no wicked witch, as parents objected to one child being picked out for the title role. In Sweden a boy was prevented from handing out invitations to his birthday party at school because he was “discriminating” against the two classmates he did not invite.

This is horse shit.

How this type of behavior is considered better for our childrens’ upbringing is so mind blowing to me. I’m a new parent, and I haven’t yet had to face my child who had just lost something. Be it a game, or failed a test. I would like to think, that when that time comes, I can be strong, and help him learn from what happened, and be stronger the next time.

I think there are a lot of good parents out there, but I also think mob mentality puts you in the position of “if everyone else’s child is being handled this way, what will happen to my precious snowflake if I don’t do the same thing?”

But according to this article, there is finally a backlash, and maybe the good part of the mob can regain some ground.

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