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September 28th, 2008 by Stinkhead

uh oh

The experts and pundits keep saying that it’s impossible to have a total economic collapse… but you can’t help but wonder… what if the economy did fall apart?, What would happen is suddenly the global market says “We don’t want your money” and then everybody starts thinking “this money is no good” Once the electric company or the beer store decide that money is no good, you’re pretty screwed…

In Ithica NY, among other communities, they devised their own currency, called Ithaca Hours, that you could also barter for goods and services. Perhaps we need to set up a simple system like that now?

But then I’m thinking that would take quite a level headed society to effectively pull off, and I think right now we’re pretty far from anything resembling a level headed society.

Well the father in me wants to be prepared at all times, ready for anything, prepare for the absolute worst, and you’ll sail through what actually happens… but let’s step back into a little Y2K level paranoia, what would you do?

Well maintaining food and security for my family is priority number one. Should I invest in a generator in case we lose power? Should I stockpile non perishable food if the grocery store stops accepting debit cards? Would I be able to barter?

Really, what do I have that I could barter? Not much. I have a vast playmobil collection, but I can’t see that being valuable to too many people, and what else am I going to do all day? Set up armies on the floor and make battle noises, that’s right.

What about DVDs? Based on the theory that the people who run the electric company still show up to work, and don’t worry about the money we use to pay bills not being worth squat– people will want to catch up on all those TV shows and movies they haven’t had a chance to watch, and with all that free time on their hands, DVDs could become very valuable in barter situations. Do you burn copies (here ya go Feds, it’ll be real easy to pay my 5000 toliet paper dollar– fine) or does that flood the market making them worth nothing more than 2 hours of someone’s time?

I can see the world’s oldest profession making a comeback in a biiiig way. But what would I have to offer the community that I could exchange for food for my family?

 I’m somewhat of an artist, I always thought if I was wrongfully incarcerated, I could always give people tattoos to keep my hide intact. That’s valuable right? Maybe “make” enough to maybe save a few cigarettes on the side… you know, for a rainy day. While we’re on the topic of down and dirty deeds, I’m sure people will start growing their own crops that will be worth something to someone else, if you smell me.

Individually, the number one thing that we can do to prevent collapse is to continue on, business as usual. I mean, save a little bit more, be a bit more thrifty– but pulling all your money out of the bank, or stockpiling supplies is actually what makes economies collapse. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy type paradox. Right now I have faith that our economy will hold, but I doubt that it will be anything but extraordinarily crappy for the next few months, maybe years.

What do you think? What are you doing to prepare? Join in my comments section.

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