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January 26th, 2009 by Stinkhead

My 17 month old son likes to come up and randomly hit keys on my laptop, hoping to start a song or video or hear a system beep. This past weekend, he hit some key combination that rotated my desktop by 180° He couldn’t tell me what he hit, and I had no idea how to switch it back. Not only was the screen upside down (see pic) but the touchpad moved the cursor in the opposite direction than what I was doing. I was able to hold the laptop upside down (typing upside down) and google how to rotate my desktop display. I found it pretty easily. (Most results were in response to people in a similar situation) For future help, (or a sweet prank to play on an sunspecting victim) hit Crtl + Alt + (arrow key) (note, this is for at least XP, not any older)

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