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January 15th, 2008 by Stinkhead

I just found this article from the Times (via Fark).

I found it to be dead on in regards to why we, as society, feel we don’t ever have “enough” and it really boils down the culture of consumerism and traces it back to our primitive wiring. It touches on celebrity culture, and the obesity epidemic… and it all made sense.

Anyway, I know I am a shopper, and I want to raise an informed consumer, I hope I can teach my little guy the difference between “want” and “need” and what is truly “enough”

In other news, I’m shutting down public access to the message board. It’s only spam and it’s getting frustrating cleaning it out each day. Feel free to comment on individual articles, (it’s easy to do) but for now, drop me an e-mail and ask to be a part of the message board, and I’ll keep it private. Keeping out spammers.

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