After seeing the video of me feeding our son puree’d Cheetos, my wife demanded that she provide a video demonstrating how to make home made baby food for real… so that people wouldn’t think she’s a terrible parent. I keep telling her that preventing me from buying a Bugaboo is what makes her a terrible parent. HAHA
Here she grabs some cauliflower and shows us how to steam, puree and freeze it into portions. I then reheat and feed to our son. All under 5.5 minutes. Hey, you can save some money and provide something a bit more healthy than store bought.
Feel free to ask questions, or offer your own tips on making baby food at home.
My son is nine months old, and we just had his first major illness. Violent vomitting (not baby spit-up, this was the real deal) and explosive diarrhea. He had a slight fever so my wife took him to the doctor. They prescribed a liquid medicine to give him. Here is the time line of incompetance. Read the rest of this entry »
If you have any tips, tricks, or stories to tell, about how you encouraged your kid to crawl, either leave a comment, or add me to your buddy list and drop me a line!
So I haven’t done AOL Instant Messenger in years, but I am on GMAIL quite frequently, now that they’ve merged functionality, I figured I’d dust off the ole screen name, and chat with YOU.
If you so choose, add MrStinkhead to your AIM buddy list. You can chat with me through there, or, if you use GMAIL and plug your AIM screen name in there, I should pop up in your GMAIL contact list with a green dot when I’m available.
So go ahead and add me, and drop me a line when you see me pop up. Please tell me that you’re from “NTR” right off the bat so that I don’t spend a half hour trying to guess which old girlfriend you might be. I can’t promise that conversation would be anything but revealing and pitiful.
We can chat about anything if you want… toys, kids, parenting, pregnancy, wives.. what have you. Note
I am not interested in sexy time! So if you’re a lonely girl willing to chat: A) quit e-mailing me daily and B) I have no time for your shenanigans.
Tiny Love, (known for their Tummy Time mats and trippy mobiles), now offer up Follow Me Fred (and his companion Crawl Along Leo, the Lion). This toy moves playfully along, encouraging your 6 month old to try crawling after him. Check out my video demo of his features, plus watch my son almost crawl after him. We’re close… we’re real close…
I like his overall look, and they blend plush with plastic pretty well. My son couldn’t keep his hands off him. Visit the Follow-Me-Fred gallery of additional pics. And check out Tiny Love for more soft, developmental toys.
And I just received word about these student films featuring Follow Me Fred on YouTube, check it out!
Yesterday, it was just me and the little dude driving around. His mom called and he likes when I put it on speaker phone so he can hear her talking. I was driving, he was in the back seat, so I handed over the phone. He’s nine months old, so he was munching on every possible angle while mommy talked to him. Anyway, as I’m driving, I look back and he’s pressing all kinds of buttons and I see a padlock icon… so I grab the phone before he can save some type of password, but it’s too late, the phone goes black and I can’t turn it back on.
Listen to my tale (as told on Magic 106.5) and see what I did….
Yes, that is a big burn mark on the chip Read the rest of this entry »
So we visited the Diamond Select Toys‘ offices last week to test out the Flux Capacitor replica coming out later this month. We strapped it to the Peg Perego, and sent my son on a whirl wind trip.
I shot and edited the video, our good friend R-Dogg at added the digital effects (explosions, fire trails, lightning, etc), and I used the dinosaurs from our playmobil dinosaur reviews for the prehistoric scenes.
We were only able to borrow this Flux Capacitor sample, but it is going on sale at right now.
I don’t know what I would do if we never got our son to sleep. Right now, we’re having “issues” with the 5-7 nap… he’s definately tired, so he’s cranky… but he’s awake enough to protest, loudly and longly that he does not want to go down.