May 4th, 2011 by Stinkhead
My son and I love our Hot Wheels Monster Jam Monster trucks… we have a couple of the playsets, and lots and lots of trucks. We race them down the Showdown ramp, we spin donuts in the Crash Arena, and much to my wife’s chagrin, we leave them all over the house.
Anyway, I decided to thin my son’s stable a little and take one or two to work. Yes, I look silly with Monster Trucks on my desk. So I decided to change the scenario and make a handsome backdrop display to improve their appearance in my workplace. And now you can too! Click below to get the PDF and see more pics.
Download the complete PDF (6Mb!)
print it on cardstock and follow the easy directions (there is a gallery below with photos of the different steps).
You can display two trucks, but it can get a little crowded with a bunch of crusher cars in there.
Let me know if you make one, and check out all of the DIY projects we’ve featured here.
I chose to display Grave Digger the Legend and Iron Man because we saw them compete when they came to DC. Check out my video and pics from that event.
[flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157626516271601″]
Posted in 3&up, 5&up, Boys, crafts, DIY, how to, Monster Trucks, news, toys | 1 Comment »
May 4th, 2011 at 2:44 pm
[…] Best of all, you’re making these with your own supplies and giving the toy industry a middle finger by not buying their oceans of junk. Plus, when your kid is inevitably way too rough with it and something breaks, you can just print and make another. Sauce: NonToxicReviews […]