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July 24th, 2008 by Stinkhead

Today we review the Tooth Tunes and Tooth Tunes Jr. (for ages 3 & up)
There are a variety of songs available. Popular artists such as Kelly Clarkson and Hannah Montana for the older kids, and Disney songs on the Jr.
Essentially a song plays through the bristles to your jawbone, so that you hear the song in your inner ear. When you get it right, it sounds as if it’s playing right in your brain.
I also like how different it sounds in the next room, so you can tell if your kid is brushing for the full 2 minutes (1 minute on the Jr) or simply running the brush under the faucet.
Here is their official site with all of the health information. We got this for $10 at CVS/Wal*Mart/Target.

Our final verdict is that it’s great for the kids just learning to brush. The music definately gets them to want to brush longer, however older kids/teenagers may never see brushing as cool, but enjoyed the contemporary tunes.

We discussed this toothbrush on Magic 106.5 this morning. Click below to hear the broadcast.
Now if only we could get Jack Logar to vibrate into your inner ear… that would be cool.

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Posted in 10&up, 3&up, 5&up, Boys, cringe, gadgets, Girls, kids, Magic106.5, podcast, review, video | Comments Off on Tooth Tunes Video Goodness

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