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October 29th, 2014 by Stinkhead

Mush it together. GROSS
Want something fun and easy to make for your kids’ lunch for Halloween? How about something that only needs ingredients you already have in your house. My son loves eating gross stuff, so here’s a Peanut Booger Sandwich. You can make in just a few minutes.

1. You need (chunky) Peanut butter, bread, honey and green food coloring

I see all these great recipes online, but I always need to run out and buy more ingredients first. Not with a booger sandwich! All you need is

  • 2 pieces of bread

  • Peanut butter (chunky is best, but not necessary)

  • Honey

  • Green food coloring

That’s it! I’ll mention now that with all the peanut butter allergies, make sure your child is aware of any restrictions when they eat their sandwich. Our school has a No Peanuts table.

2. Spoon out some peanut butter into a bowl

1. Get a heaping scoop of peanut butter and put it in a bowl.

add 5-6 drops of green food coloring and stir it in

2. Add five or six drops of green food coloring and stir it in. If it’s not green enough, add another drop or two.

Spread liberally on two slices of bread

3. Spread the peanut butter liberally on both slices of bread.

Drizzle on a little bit of honey for snot

4. Drizzle on a small amount of honey to give it some snot. This step is optional too, but I think it adds to the fun.

Mush it together. GROSS

5. Mush em together, then you’re done!

Wrap in wax paper, and garnish with wadded up tissues.

I wrapped the sandwich in wax paper before sliding it into a sandwich bag. I also added (clean) wadded up tissues to add to the fun. I did this to send to school with my son, so he’ll be surprised when he opens it up, but this is so easy, your kids could help you make this too.

Happy Halloween!

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Posted in 2&up, Boys, cooking, crafts, cringe, DIY, Girls, how to, kids, toddler | Comments Off on Recipe: Peanut Booger Sandwich!

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