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January 22nd, 2009 by Stinkhead

firefly phoneToday only on you can get the Firefly, (cell phone for kids) for $5… all you need to do is add a SIM card… meaning buy this phone for $5, add a line to your existing cell plan, and then pop in that sim card, without buying a phone from your provider. This phone is typically $100, but today it’s $5. I can’t stress enough that this is one day only. Check in the future for more one day deals.
This is the cellphone that is perfect for very little kids. You can call them, and they can easily call Mom, Dad, or up to 20 numbers you program into it. But they can’t go all willy nilly calling random people. Great for peace of mind. Others think giving a cellphone to a young child is ridiculous. Either way, you can be safe or be ridiculous for $5.

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