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June 16th, 2008 by Stinkhead

My free downloadable Children’s books have been a big hit, so here’s my latest, a coloring/activity book that teaches kids all about HD!
You can download this PDF (it’s less than 1 Mb) for free and print it out and hand it off to the kid, then they’ll be able to teach you about HD, Blu-Ray, upconversion and 1080 lines of resolution with Heidi, the HD Hippo.
Let me know what you think.
If you want, take a picture of their creations, and I’ll post them in our gallery and feature them here. For real.

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Posted in 3&up, Boys, crafts, cringe, DIY, downloadbook, Girls, how to, kids | 19 Comments »

19 Responses

  1. John Says:

    Is there really such a thing as an HDMI splitter? Aren’t they really “switches”, since you cannot split a single source to two displays, only switch one display between two signal sources.

    Also, the word is “cellophane,” not “cellaphane.” And in one instance you left the “n” out of “upconvert” (“upcovert”).


  2. Wow Says:

    Way to be “that guy” John…real classy

  3. Chip Says:

    Plasma burn-in hasn’t been a concern for several years. The big issues with plasma these days are their higher weight and power consumption vs. LCD. You’re perpetuating a myth by including that in the coloring book.

    Other than that, great stuff.

  4. joe c. Says:

    man, john is cool. i want to be like john.

  5. JimBean Says:

    This is just a tongue in cheek thing and you all are treating it like it’s the bible. Who cares if it has some spelling mistakes or it talks about burn-in. It’s FUNNY! Laugh and move on

    Nice job

  6. HD TV all you need to know in easy to color format « Hormuth’s Heroes Says:

    […] Heidi the HD Hippo […]

  7. Offsprung > Meconium » HD and Your Child Says:

    […] Because it’s incredibly important for your child to understand high definition TV, you can print out an HD TV Coloring Book from the cool, irreverent NonToxicReviews. […]

  8. Helena Says:

    Spelling IS important. Why give kids a book with incorrect spelling when a few keystrokes can prevent mistakes?

  9. mmi Says:

    it’s great for kids..

  10. Shurryhurgek Says:

    Thanks for the post

  11. Rev_Sysyphus Says:

    I can’t wait for the other titles in the series dealing with DRM, Encoding, etc.!

    If that was a joke then I will just as bummed out when I learned there was no real intent for Mel Brooks to make a “History Of The World, PT. II” and the trailers at the end of pt. I was a joke.

    What!? No Hitler on Ice?

  12. JIm McDish Says:

    What? no way dude that is just way too cool dude. I love it.


  13. Such a Bastard Says:

    Pure insanity.

  14. Ashley Says:

    I work for the local cable company as a supervisor and printed this out for each member of my team and bought boxes of crayons in the back to school section… hope this helps! 🙂 (yes this is a true story)

  15. Lois Says:

    You write very well.

  16. coloring page Says:

    i did see your coloring,
    thats great i think for child

  17. Phil McKrackin Says:

    I like how people are spending thousands on these TVs, and some hundreds/mo on ‘premium’ channels, and there is nothing ever on. When did we all bend over and start paying for the commercials that used to make TV/broadcasting free? Now we not only pay for them, and they shouldn’t even be there if we are paying, but get to spend a few thousand dollars to be able see the small print on a Tide box.

    They say humanity is advancing but I fail to see it.

  18. NonToxicReviews Blog Archive Free coloring book HD for Kids | Wood TV Stand Says:

    […] NonToxicReviews Blog Archive Free coloring book HD for Kids Posted by root 1 hour 47 minutes ago ( Hd tv all you need to know in easy to color format hormuth heroes says please note comment moderation is enabled and may delay your comment wordpress theme powered by ageowns com ageowns productions Discuss  |  Bury |  News | NonToxicReviews Blog Archive Free coloring book HD for Kids […]

  19. NonToxicReviews Blog Archive Free coloring book HD for Kids | volleyball equipment Says:

    […] NonToxicReviews Blog Archive Free coloring book HD for Kids Posted by root 13 minutes ago ( Hundreds mo on 39 premium 39 channels and there is nothing ever on is enabled and may delay your comment wordpress theme powered by Discuss  |  Bury |  News | NonToxicReviews Blog Archive Free coloring book HD for Kids […]

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