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December 12th, 2008 by Stinkhead

I recently got a sample of Goosie Cards to check out, and I’m hooked. They’re oversized flash cards for small children. They’re perfect for special needs kids (teach things like colors and shapes with pictures of their own stuff) but are also a big hit with kids learning to read. You can either order a set from their pre-populated collections (trucks, shapes, colors) or upload your own photos and add captions. You can do family members, numbers, emotions, anything you want! I love personalized stuff, and any opportunity to my artwork on something safe for the kid is a plus for me.

Here’s the kicker… the quality. These are professionally made, the thick cardstock is coated in a slick durable plastic, making them perfect for little tiny (and often sticky) fingers. They’ll stand up to abuse, and can be wiped clean pretty easily.
I also found the upload process pretty painless. At first I was uploading images that were too small, but just as long as they’re about 600 pixels wide (or larger) you’re fine. It takes about 3 days to get the finished cards back in your hands. CLICK BELOW FOR A COUPON CODE FOR FREE SHIPPING
I’m a photographer and graphic designer, so this is a perfect way to make toys for my 16 month old son to play with. I got to josh around about these cards with Jack Logar from Magic 106.5 yesterday morning. Click below to listen. And then visit Goosie Cards to simply browse the process, or go ahead and sign up and get your own set started now.
I’ll show off the ones I ordered of my own photos in our video gift guide.

Here’s the FREE SHIPPING info if you order before the end of the month.
Enter special promotion code freeship08 at checkout
to receive FREE shipping! Offer expires 12/31/08
Free shipping offer is valid for US addresses only

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