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April 7th, 2008 by Stinkhead

I’m starting a new feature, look to the right and you’ll see a button that says “I need advice”
If you click on that button, it will load up the posts that ask the readers for advice. Please pick and add a comment!

Right now I’m looking for advice regarding baby music that won’t drive me nuts. I have several albums that help put him to sleep, that I don’t mind listening to over the monitor, but are there playful, awake-time albums that are good for stimulating baby that won’t make me want to jam beef jerky into my ears?

Here’s the number one thing I can’t stand –I don’t like little kids singing. I need to listen to adults singing kids songs… I can’t take any more kids singing kids’ songs.

And feel free to check out the other subjects that need advice (this is the first one, so be patient). All are welcome.
Great Albums for Sleepy time (that I recommend)

Albums for play time

What do you recommend for either sleepy time or waking hours?

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Posted in advice, baby, Boys, gifts, Girls | 3 Comments »

3 Responses

  1. The Eyeball Kid Says:

    They Might be Giants have some fun kids’ albums.
    “Here Come the ABC’s”
    “Here Come the 123’s”
    Cool songs, mostly peppy and fun, and the latter two are educational come with DVD’s.

    Tom Chapin, brother of the late Harry Chapin of Cat’s Cradle fame, is an accomplished children’s music artist with lots of great CD’s, pretty much any of his would be a great choice but my favorite is probably “Billy the Squid”.

    Finally, Sandra Boynton, author and illustrator, has put together some really terrific Book/CD sets with popular artists performing cute kid-friendly songs. My nephews have “Blue Moo” and “Dog Train” and think that they are the coolest CD’s ever. Wierd Al, Blues Traveller, Davy Jones, Brian Wilson, and more lend their talents to catchy songs like “I Need a Nap”, “Dog Train”, “Your Personal Penguin”, and “Speed Turtle” respectively.



  2. Torgo Says:

    It may be hard to find the older stuff, but my almost-8-month-old daughter really seems to like Moog music from the 60’s and 70’s (this is for awake time). 🙂

    I had 3 records that I used to dance around to when I was 5 or 6, and I recently converted them to digital. She loves all the bloops, bleeps, and weird sounds.

    I need to dig up my Moog Cookbook CD to play for her too – that’s more modern stuff, but still bloopy (or as grandma-in-law likes to call it, “musical farts”).

  3. Says:

    I still love the classics for sleepy time. Mozart and the Branderburg concertos helped me through 2 babies under the lights with bilirubin issues.

    Trout Fishing in America is fun for babies, man and beast for play time. They are silly, musically talented, and write songs such as 18 Wheels on a Big Rig, with verses sung in evens, odds and finally counted out in Roman numerals.


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